doodads go here
hit counter

hey there! ive started posting blogs on spacehey as i keep working. sorry for the slow updates.
trying to set up a cbox...
dont know how. i feel dumb.
[SEP/30/24] actually working on pages and applying to webrings soon. how brilliant
well, i suppose its been about ... something half a year since ive last touched my website. more...
old news . . .
- 09/28/24. skeuomorphos is poofed. gone.
- 05/21/24. lied. said i worked on the website.
- 02/14/24. a mascot is born ! (tba)
- 10/14?/23. for the first time...started working on a website.

oh boy ... i really need to get out of bed.
this isnt supposed to be some 'feel bad for me' story smack dab on the front page of my website. i have just been ... severely burnt out for some time original goal was to finish the basic pages of the website (there used to be a jpg here of my list) but ummm ... yeah.
the first ever webmaster fact! i have a severe need for adderall. im not addicted or something, i just desperately need treatment for my adhd.
for anyone who has continued to look at this thing after months...its probably gonna look different when i come back. mostly because my favorite color isnt blue anymore.